Monday, September 05, 2005

terror or anarchy?

During a conversation I was having yesterday, a friend of mine (in a tongue of the slip) referred to the main protagonist in Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta as terrorist. Ears were perked up, I felt that he should be referred to as an anarchist, not a terrorist. Calling him a terrorist would be glorifying all the ****head jihadis. C’mon let’s not insult V by calling him a terrorist; anarchists deserve that much at least. And what do terrorists deserve? That’s a question for another day.


Anonymous said...

For the terrorist the final pit stop definately should be Hell..But on the contrary..a person who has the guts to give up his life for a cause,which can be anything..deserves something a lil better ..whaddya say?

Shenoy said...

a person who has the guts to give up his life for a cause, somebody like a suicide bomber you mean?

Anonymous said...

>>>Calling him a terrorist would be glorifying all the ****head jihadis. C’mon let’s not insult V by calling him a terrorist; anarchists deserve that much at least.
Amen, brother.