Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Holy Boner Batman!

Time for some juvenile fun of the boner kind.

This classic sequence comes to us from 1951, Batman issue 66. Way back when Boner meant “An embarrassing mistake” or “A blunder”. Today of course with all the slang it means something else. What, you ask? Well….it means…umm…an erection, a hard-on, you know…atttenshun!!! So you can imagine the hilarity in this sequence when all go BONERS!!! Batman’s Boner! Joker’s Boner! Boners, boners everywhere. Whose boner is the biggest? Boners on the papers. HILARIOUS!!! Imagine. Joker trying to force Batman into a Boner!! And Batman hot on the case, studying the greatest boners of all time. And then Batman’s greatest BONER! And don’t miss the lat panel where Robin wishes and hopes that there will be no more BONERS! Go ahead.
Freak out on you-know-what. To see the panels in greater detail for better visibility, just click on the panels


Anonymous said...


Jai said...

LOL now that's a funny one

Me said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hilarious!